Saturday, January 31, 2009

Epocware Handy Converter v2.07 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 incl Keygen-HSpda n97 nokia

Epocware Handy Converter n97
Handy Converter is your all-in-one currency and unit conversion solution for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. Handy Converter lets you save your time and money, especially abroad, by professionally performing various currency calculations and units of measure conversion right on your mobile screen! Whether you are on business trip or vacation, leave the calculations to Handy Converter!

Handy Converter for Nokia 5800 and n97 Xpress Music allows you to:

Quickly and easily convert given amount to up to 3 foreign currencies at the same time!
New! Choose Currency Rates provided by Federal Reserve System of USA, Bank of Canada, European Central Bank or Russian Central Bank.
Take into account not only the specific rates, but commission as well with Handy Converter for Nokia 5800 Xpress Music ! No more extensive calculations in front of exchange booth.
Don’t be confused by different measure systems any more! Handy Converter will provide you with a certain number of the most frequently used measures you can come across: length, weight, temperature, speed, area, volume…
Convert different types of size: clothes, shirts and shoes from 7 main international scales. All measures are converting separately for men, women, and kids.

Supported languages:
Bulgarian, Chinese HK, Chinese PRC, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Serbian, Swedish, Thai , Turkish, Ukrainian

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